Game Monitors, Game Leaders & Training

CharaDevGamLeadCritical NMPAT Components:
Game Monitors, Game Leaders & Training

Game Monitors


Adult volunteers are a critical component of Math Pentathlon® Academic Tournaments. These adult volunteers, called Game Monitors, learn one game well and observe 5 rounds of that same game throughout the tournament. Each school, club, or household is required to send AT LEAST 1 adult volunteer for every 2 Pentathletes for IN and MI, and 2 adult volunteers for every 3 Pentathletes in Texas. Some Math Pentathlon® Schools require a parent Game Monitor for each PentathleteTM they send to the National Tournament. The Pentathlon Institute reserves the right to limit National Tournament participation from schools, clubs, and families based on their Volunteer Game Monitor quotas.

IMG_0163Attendance at an Adult Game Monitor Training Session is to ensure that each adult volunteer is prepared for the role of implementing proper Tournament Procedures. Parents, teachers, adult family members, or community volunteers can serve as Game Monitors at the tournament.

Each Game Monitor supports the PentathletesTM and the overall Math Pentathlon Tournament structure. In addition, Game Monitors serve as role models who promote the development of good sportsmanship, self-esteem, integrity, and kindness.

The Coach at each Division Level is expected to recruit Game Monitors to meet, and hopefully exceed, the minimum 1 adult per 2 Pentathlete required quota. Each Division Coach also ensures that there is an equal distribution of Game Monitors across the 5 games within the Division Level. Regardless of the method used for registering Pentathletes, the School Contact Designee needs to recruit and organize the school/club’s Game Monitor List evenly across all 5 games within a Division by the March 1 deadline. This will allow the Pentathlon Institute Staff to determine any gaps and communicate additional volunteer needs to participating schools.

After March 1, all Game Monitors assignments must be cleared through the Pentathlon Institute.

Game Monitor Responsibility Sheet – what to do before, during and after each game

Game Monitor Training Packet – vital procedures, including tournament organization, timetable, matching of students and PentathleteTM Stars, scoring, challenges, and opinion cards

School Contact Designee Recruitment of Game Monitors – a list of Game Monitors is created online when school/clubs/individuals register their Pentathlete The SCDs and Coaches need to recruit and organize Game Monitors evenly across all 5 Games within a Division.  Coaches have the final say on Game Monitor assignments and communicate those assignments to the Institute by the assigned Deadline.

Game Highlight Sheets for Game Monitors – a brief overview of game rules and how to respond to challenges at a National Mathematics Pentathlon® Academic Tournament.


Game Leaders

Game Leaders

IN & MI Application

TX Application

Each school or club sending more than 20 students must provide at least 1 Game Leader for each Division in which their students compete. (NOTE: Texas requires a 1 Game Leader applicant for 5-15 students participating)

The role of Game Leader is not for everyone. However, this is a rewarding opportunity for Coaches and adults who know a game well, work well with others and have had previous tournament experience.

Game Leader Responsibilities include:

  • a thorough knowledge of their one game (both the basic and tournament-specific rules) in order to appropriately respond to questions from Game Monitors and Pentathletes during the tournament
  • contacting Game Monitors prior to the tournament to answer questions and ensure that they are trained and ready to handle their game assignment
  • assisting with tournament set up in the afternoon/early evening on the Friday before tournament and attending the mandatory Game Leader Orientation Meeting
  • assisting with the Awards Ceremony

A Game Leader Application Form must be completed. All prospective Game Leaders will be reviewed and selected by the Pentathlon Institute. If approved, each Game Leader may send 1 PentathleteTM to a tournament at no charge.

Game Leaders should be identified by March 1.

DSC02991Game Monitor Training Sessions

Make sure to register for a FREE tournament Game Monitor Training if your child and/or students are attending a National Mathematics Pentathlon® Academic Tournament. Vital procedures and updates are shared. At LEAST 1 Monitor is required for every 2 Pentathletes. Do consider the option that some Math Pentathlon Schools adopt: They require a parent Game Monitor for each Pentathlete they send to the National Tournament. The Pentathlon Institute reserves the right to limit National Tournament participation from schools, clubs, and families based on their Volunteer Game Monitor quotas.

The listing of Game Monitor Trainings can be found under the Training tab: Game Monitor Training for Tournament

Game Highlight Sheets for Game Monitors – brief overview of game rules and how to respond to challenges at a National Mathematics Pentathlon® Academic Tournament.