FAB-A-DIFFY – Complete Game


FAB-A-DIFFY uses specially made fraction bars that pictorially represent various fraction values that stress computational reasoning.


Fraction bars that pictorially represent various fraction values are used in this computational reasoning game. In playing this game students attempt to make arithmetic combinations on the specially designed gameboard. Conceptual understanding of equivalence and addition and subtraction of fractions are developed while students connect symbolic procedures with visual models. UNDERLYING MATHEMATICS/SCIENCE: computational reasoning involving partitioning, fraction representation, equivalence, addition and subtraction of fractions, probability, and estimation; logical/scientific reasoning involving observation skills, classification, hypothesizing and experimentation, deductive and inductive reasoning, and combinatorics; spatial/geometric reasoning involving the structural analysis of space and area; and active problem solving

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 17.5 × 12 × 3 in
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